Pacific Crest Securities analyst Brent Bracelin noted PC prices have fallen for years, but the decline accelerated with the introduction of no-frills netbooks.
太平洋波浪证券(Pacific Crest Securities)分析师BrentBracelin表示:个人电脑的价格已经连年下跌,但上网本的推出使跌幅加剧。
Brendan Barnicle, a software analyst with Pacific Crest Securities, said in an interview, "the most important thing is that they're seeing business PCs come back," adding, "This is huge."
一位太平洋浪峰证劵公司(Pacific Crest Securities)名叫Brendan Barnicle的软件分析员在一次采访中说,“最重要的是他们看到个人电脑市场的回升,”他接着补充说,“这块可是个大市场。”
Brendan Barnicle, a software analyst with Pacific Crest Securities, said in an interview, "the most important thing is that they're seeing business PCs come back," adding, "This is huge."
一位太平洋浪峰证劵公司(Pacific Crest Securities)名叫Brendan Barnicle的软件分析员在一次采访中说,“最重要的是他们看到个人电脑市场的回升,”他接着补充说,“这块可是个大市场。”