She broke away from the pack and opened up a two-second lead.
Pack heaviest objects close to the body, and place little ones outside, away from the back.
The leader drew away from the pack.
So this class is about training kids to break away from the pack, to be the person who defies conformity and does the right thing.
There are many types of memory; we humans are pack rats who file away information ranging from how to make our grandmother's favorite pie to how to solve algebra equations.
When you’re away from your desk or from home, keep a notebook or pack of index cards with you and jot notes, appointments, numbers, etc. down as they come to you.
Departments won't be able to break away from the pack to follow their own designs, for example.
Amid the sales recovery, six key trends will be critical to online travel companies seeking to break away from the increasingly crowded yet fragmented pack.
Maybe his pack is too big and slips off his shoulders as he pulls away from the plane.
The only way to not let bad airplane meals and fast food be your only options when you're away from home is to pack a few healthy snacks in your bag-like an orange or energy bar.
He stood with the pack on his back on the brow of the hill looking out across the country, toward the distant river and then struck down the hillside away from the road.
During the descent, the rope got stuck in Pasangs crampon and was torn away from his pack and fell down the abyss.
In the race both streaked away from the chasing pack, with the gap between Fangio and third-placed Karl Kling over a minute by the time they reached the flag.
Shut the pack tightly and keep it in a cool and dry place. Keep it away from kids and avoid to be eaten by mistake. If any emergency occurs, please flush with water immediately.
In Spain, Real Madrid's gallop away from the chasing pack at the top of the premier leaguer has been reigned in following their defeat at Athletic Bilbao at the weekend.
The Aurea collection of flat pack kitchenware from Amor de Madre features dish draining racks in two sizes that be stowed away tidily when not needed. There is also a similar wine rack available.
The Aurea collection of flat pack kitchenware from Amor de Madre features dish draining racks in two sizes that be stowed away tidily when not needed. There is also a similar wine rack available.