As before, the laser package is hermetically sealed for reliable operation in adverse environments and the laser output is collimated using an internal lens system.
But while batteries store all the chemicals needed for the necessary chemical reactions in a sealed package, fuel cells use an external fuel source and air from the atmosphere.
DISCLAIMER: Product may contain manufacturer files pre-loaded in sealed package.
The first tear came sealed package, which will add color Apple in Hong grain.
The components are enclosed in a hermetically sealed package, the fibers are spliced together, then the DPSS laser is tested for performance.
All unused openings on the package skid are sealed, and the skid requires sealing to its foundation upon installation.
The invention relates to chemically stabilising testosterone contained in self-adhesive transdermal devices by associating a desiccant agent with the device in a sealed package.
本发明涉及通过在密封包装中干燥剂与自粘透皮装置的结合来进 行包含在所述装置中的睾酮的化学稳定化。
The invention discloses an anti-channel conflict package process of filled and sealed bottled liquid state products, comprising the following steps of: (1) providing filled finished packaging bottles;
The two chips are mounted on a ceramic substrate, and then hermetically sealed in a ceramic surface mount package.
After unpacking of the minimum package, reseal it promptly or store it inside a sealed container with a drying agent.
Cambar with sealed-in cold plate and 5 button pre-mix soda gun, standar accessories and upgraded DE 'co package.
Structure: Adopting metal stacked technology. Epoxy resin as dip sealed, plastic case as external package.
When purchasing packaged meal or poultry parts, the consumer must be certain that both the sealed package and the inner cellophane wrapper have not been tampered.
The tube is filled with product and sealed below the surface of the liquid, ensuring there is no air space in the package.
Both our short-wavelength type and near infrared detection types are hermetically sealed in a metal package with a clear glass window.
Both our short-wavelength type and near infrared detection types are hermetically sealed in a metal package with a clear glass window.