The invention discloses a method and a system for monitoring the packet loss rate of a network.
The algorithm calculated packet loss rate according to the average queue length and waiting time.
And the aim of packet loss prevention was to prevent network congestion in order to reduce the packet loss rate.
Guaranteed QoS includes three basic parameters: packet transfer delay, packet delay variation and packet loss rate.
The network could provide good quality of service (in packet loss rate and the packet transfer delay) and be compatible with a variety of services.
The statistic curve of HDV system packet loss rate positively correlates to the curve of network layer, but the correlation coefficient is only about 0.83.
Proper OBS assembly algorithms can decrease self-similarity of the network traffic, reduce average packet loss rate and enhance the OBS network performance.
合适的OBS组装算法在一定程度上能降低网络自相似性,减少平均分组丢失率,提高OBS 网络性能。
The algorithms, including the choice of the first video algorithm, packet loss rate prediction algorithm, as well as video rate adaptive adjustment algorithm.
The experimental results show that under this communication protocol, the sensor node has a small energy consumption and the system has a low packet loss rate.
At the same time, the protocol should be designed to minimize the system packet loss rate, packet loss rate is an important measurement of the communication protocol.
Some related studies have demonstrated that in many cases, the fluctuation of network bandwidth and packet loss rate are two key factors that influence the quality of video streaming.
The simulation on NS2 shows that the average throughput is improved, and the packet loss rate is decreased. With the JRED algorithm, the stableness and reliability of network are enhanced.
利用NS 2对改进的算法进行仿真,结果表明,JRED算法提高了平均吞吐量,降低了丢包概率,增强了网络稳定性和可靠性。
It is mainly exhibited as in the high bandwidth network environment, the current protocol algorithms can't guarantee nicer service quality of low packet loss rate, RTT and dithering of RTT.
Because of the changing bandwidth, heterogeneous terminals and high packet loss rate, the wireless networks put forward new requirement for the design of network architectures and protocols.
In wireless link, Packet loss may caused by the high channel bit error rate and nodes mobile, and multi-path routing and node switching will lead to reorder.
A relationship model of FGS video rate-distortion and average packet loss ratio was established, the optimal FEC data allocation algorithm was designed.
The sender tracks the packet loss status according to the algorithm-loss rate estimation based on variable frame size and switches two audio sample files in accordance with packet loss status.
传送端根据以变动框架长度为基础之 遗失率估算法,来估算目前网路上封包遗失的状况,并以此作为切换高低音质档案的依据。
The sender tracks the packet loss status according to the algorithm-loss rate estimation based on variable frame size and switches two audio sample files in accordance with packet loss status.
传送端根据以变动框架长度为基础之 遗失率估算法,来估算目前网路上封包遗失的状况,并以此作为切换高低音质档案的依据。