The prepend-v styles, where v is 1 through 23, prepend v columns and v-1 gutters worth of pixels, using padding-left.
prepend-v样式,其中v的范围是从1到23,用于使用padding-left 为 v列和 v-1 分隔线预留足够的像素。
Opposite horizontal margin constraint. A left float box that has another left float box to its left may not have its right margin edge to the right of the containing block's right padding edge.
对立水平边框限制:如果一个左浮动框的左边还有另一个左浮动框,那么这个左浮动框的右marginedge不能在此包含块的右padding edge 之右。
Containing block horizontal constraint. A left float box's left margin edge may not be to the left of the containing block's left padding edge.
包含块的水平限制:左浮动框的marginedge不能在包含块的左padding edge框的左边。
Containing block vertical constraint. A left float box's top margin edge may not be higher than the containing block's top padding edge.
包含块的垂直限制:左浮动框的上marginedge不能高于包含块的上padding edge。
Line-box vertical constraint. A left float box's top margin edge may not be higher than the top padding edge of any line-box containing a box generated by an earlier element in the source document.
line - box垂直限制:左浮动框的上marginedge不能高于任何包含由源文档中前一元素生成的框的line - box的上padding edge。
It can remove the padding for larger ciphertexts, but you would still be left with the IV as overhead.
Returns a new string that right-aligns the characters in this instance by padding them with Spaces on the left, for a specified total length.
Returns a new string that left-aligns the characters in this string by padding them with Spaces on the right, for a specified total length.
Returns a new string that left-aligns the characters in this string by padding them with Spaces on the right, for a specified total length.