She was wearing a sleeveless smock, blue with little pale red flowers on it.
Whereas Joy is a golden rose color, a pale gold with a tinge of red, a very pale red.
These parts of the patient at first appear small pale red, will gradually increase, the shape of the different.
The red wine can has pale red color, has intense apple and wine flavor, and has dainty sour and sweet and rich nutrition.
From the sky, down to the water, before the ship white pale red for the deep emerald green, magic into dozens of color, layers to overflow.
In this pale red scarlet and micro desert sorrowful, also gives the human to upload the newest issue of picture opportunity, maintains this to resemble the person inhuman world.
However the network frequently designs for the mediocre person, by page view speeding, washes the old mark, only causes to leave behind the pale red scarlet and the micro desert sorrow.
Dance in thy red shoes till thou art pale and cold!
The sea would turn pale pink and the sky blood red.
She felt as if she went red and then pale.
It was true that she had turned red and then pale.
Showboating in a raucous mix of delicate Champagne pink, chartreuse, saffron, pale yellow, siren red and magenta, the plants in these parts get ready for the winter with plenty of style.
For this reason, many systems use colors in directory listings, often pale blue for a good link and red for a broken one.
His face was strangely pale, but his lips were like a proud red flower.
Pale blues and greens are ideal for relaxing, but you should also add pops of red and pink in order to turn up the heat on your love life.
She wouldn't dine; but she reappeared at tea, pale, and red about the eyes, and marvellously subdued in outward aspect.
And they stood in a beech-wood that had just put on its first green, where the woodroof* at their feet sent forth its fragrance, and the pale-red anemony looked so pretty among the verdure.
The other was a later painting of Adele, pale and strained, standing in a big hat with her arms loose amid fauve colours of red, mauve and green.
"Stupid?" I say furiously as my mother enters. She's pale, too, and her eyes are red.
She's pale, too, and her eyes are red.
Nearly all those who were suspected of practicing witchcraft were women, especially old women who were lean and ugly, looking pale and melancholy, or with red hair.
"Dance you shall," said he, "dance in your red shoes till you are pale and cold, till your skin shrivels up and you are a skeleton!"
It's a simple picture: off-white, with black stripes and four color areas: black, blue, pale lemon yellow, and a touch of orangey red.
She was pale; her eyes were red; the candle which she carried trembled in her hand.
She was pale; her eyes were red; the candle which she carried trembled in her hand.