Wrap a paper-thin slice of prosciutto around each dried plum and secure with a toothpick.
And I look. I am always looking for a fresh texture, a new edge, a paper-thin sheet to layer.
Filo (or phyllo) dough comes in fresh or frozen paper-thin layers and is similar to strudel pastry.
I don't know why everyone's in love with this simple, paper-thin character or his cartoonish PALS and nemeses.
Many of our fears are tissue-paper-thin, and a single courageous step would carry us clear through them.
Thanks to precision cutting techniques, researchers are able to examine a paper-thin slice of human brain.
Members of her team developed a layer-by-layer manufacturing process to create the paper-thin solar cells.
But now, the heart sky high, life than paper-thin older woman left in a nest, but only elementary school teaching.
The mother bee neatly folds in the inner layer of petals, smears a paper-thin mud layer and then folds the outer petals.
Electronic ink on flexible, paper-thin screens that mimic a book -- but, like a Kindle, download wirelessly and electronic
The devices, made using the scientists' inkjet printing techniques, would have components that are lightweight and paper-thin.
He created RACES of alien creatures, such as the Mercurian Harmoniums, a species of paper-thin extra-terrestrials who lived on sound.
Your little one's brain is taking shape inside his oversized transparent skull and a paper-thin layer of skin is covering his whole body.
Your little one's brain is taking shape inside his oversized, transparent skull and a paper-thin layer of skin is covering his whole body.
In Germany's difficult retail market, where parsimonious consumers and fierce competition have kept margins paper-thin for years, this was risky financial engineering.
In the story , a little boy named Stanley is aquished paper-thin when his bulletin board falls on him. He is so flat that he can slide under doors ang be flown as a kite!
Shaved paper-thin, fried in vegetable oil, and then sprinkled with kosher salt, "they're light, airy, and crisp, like a chip, " says one server. "Only one person has ever not liked them."
Higher interest rates would cripple a significant slice of Chinese industry, which already operates on paper-thin margins and even then only thanks to the enforced subsidy given by Chinese savers.
The strands, she realized, could serve as minuscule cranes to arrange even smaller building materials and manufacture things like ultrasmall electronic devices and paper-thin, printable solar cells.
同轴微小高分子的聚合链已经实现。 这项技术可以作为一种微型的“吊装设施”,由它来“组装”更微型的材料,用于制造诸如超小电子设备以及像纸一样薄的可以用印刷技术生产的太阳能电池等新一代产品。
What is it with this thin sheet of paper that makes it so precious?
This special paper was actually thin, soft Sugiwara paper that had been stiffened with a kind of paste.
The artists paint on rice paper or thin silk with brushes.
It doesn't matter whether the paper is thick or thin.
At a news conference this week, MIT researchers showed off the prototypes of their paper thin solar cells by using them to power a small LED display.
Magnetic attraction works even through a thin piece of paper, and if the magnetism is as strong as is claimed, the magnetic people should be able to do their trick with a shirt on.
The 746ft tall Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco has been made as thin as paper and stuck to the surface of the water beneath it.
The 746ft tall Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco has been made as thin as paper and stuck to the surface of the water beneath it.