This paper presents some teaching methods applied to develop the students' space concept based on the knowledge structure characteristics of geography.
The author discovers that the number of paper on relationship between atlas and geography textbook is small through searching, categorizing, reviewing some literatures at home and abroad.
Following the analytical framework of new economic geography, the paper thoroughly studies endogenous mechanisms of and exogenous forces on the evolution of spatial structure of Chinese economy.
Based on the military function in the city, this paper discusses the system and space structure of the military city geography, by using the system theory and the location theory.
The paper researches on the data base, model base of the water pollution plan and geography information system, and building and application of its system.
This paper proposes an urban and regional spatial model based on Self-organization theory and the new production of new Economic Geography.
Space Lorentz curve is widely used in economic geography studies. This paper focus on several methods in the calculation of centralization index of space Lorentz curve.
This paper reviews the main progress in the overseas studies on the urban geography of China.
First, the paper introduces the system design of Integration Command Core (prototype) in the decision support system of Three Gorge Project which is based on Geography Information system.
Focusing on the appliance of the method of human geography, the appliance of cartology and region analysis runs through this paper.
Pick to: This article on how to write a scientific paper continuously improve geography, geography research paper writing quality put forward some writing skills and methods.
This paper presents a map query algorithm and defines a query language based on mobile equipment, termed the embed geography SQL (EGSQL).
This paper studies the correspondence between karst landscape and minority cultures, based on the empirical investigation of Guizhou s geography and minority people.
This paper makes a brief analysis on renewal types from different perspectives of urban geography, urban planning etc, in order that urban renewal is properly carried out.
Space Lorentz curve is widely used in economic geography studies. This paper focus on several new methods in the calculation of centralization index of space Lorentz curve.
Based on Experimental Economics and combined with professional features of Geography, this paper presents Experimental Economic Geography as a discussion topic.
This paper explains the place names in the titles of Bai Juyi's poems with the literature geography method and makes a further study of the impact of geography on Bai Juyi's poetry.
In this paper a design scheme about realtime inspection of police wagon based on the technologies of Geography Information System (GIS) and Global Position System (GPS) is presented.
Geography Mark Language (GML) is used to describe the spatial data in this paper. Then it studies on the organization, storage and management of GML data by integrating XML database technology.
Geography Mark Language (GML) is used to describe the spatial data in this paper. Then it studies on the organization, storage and management of GML data by integrating XML database technology.