Integrated Source control provides essential software version control, workspace management, and parallel development support to individuals and teams.
Although plenty of it staff members were available (augmented by contractors) to support parallel development iterations, business experts and analysts were in limited supply.
In addition, configuration management provides support for tracking versions of artifacts, establishing, and reproducing product baselines, support for parallel and multi-geographic development.
Even though tools for MDD have been around for many years, most of them lack adequate support for fine-grained team development, making highly parallel development cumbersome.
It was essential to have an effective tool to manage our software development artifacts, given our geographically dispersed team and our need to support parallel development streams.
At a high level, testing assets in the Rational Software Quality solution do not currently support parallel development using UCM.
在高层次上,Rational Soft wareQuality解决方案中的测试资产目前不支持使用u CM进行并行开发。
ClearQuest tools to support parallel schema development.
A development stream allows parallel development for a controlled artifact; the Rational Testing tools, however, do not support parallel development at this time.
Version control support that enables parallel development of test scripts and concurrent usage by geographically distributed teams.
Version control support that enables parallel development of test scripts and concurrent usage by geographically distributed teams.