Parallel tests could increase the diagnostic sensitivity, but decreased specificity and accuracy accordingly.
In this paper some parallel tests are done between cement and HS soft soil stabilizer which is compound of cement and 10% curing agent.
The nose project reports that they have support for parallel tests now committed to their project trunk, but normal users will have to wait for the next release before trying it out.
This allows testing teams to develop functional GUI tests in parallel with the development team, focusing on the requirements instead of the implementation.
Learning the system, and designing and executing tests are now parallel activities.
The project team is planning to rethink the architecture to make it more straightforward to execute tests in parallel.
Developers and QA managers will continually want to provision cloud resources for multi-platform testing, run unit and functional tests in parallel, and execute effective load testing.
So "out of the box," you can begin running your Selenium tests against all the major browsers in parallel, shaving hours (if not days) off your usual regression testing cycle.
Mark any test [parallelizable] and it will be permitted to run in parallel with other parallelizable tests in the same fixture.
Parallel and Distributed testing - a new test runner ( PUnit) allows tests to run in parallel over several machines.
并行和分布式测试 ——一个新的测试运行器(PUnit) ,允许在多台机器上并行运行测试。
The degree of parallelism setting controls the maximum number of tests that MbUnit will attempt to run in parallel with one another.
The test engine layer will add support for distribution and running tests in parallel; random ordering of tests and Transactional test behavior.
Also note that just because a test or fixture is marked parallelizable does not mean it will run in parallel with other tests in particular.
How can I use Jenkins to run my integration tests in parallel?
It give the results of tests on the system, which show the system has achieved an ideal parallel operation results.
The media used comply with the following tests, carried out before, or in parallel, with the test on the product to be examined.
It is shown from the tests on Deepcomp 6800 that the parallel solver based on hybrid parallel implementation has better performance and scalability than that based on pure MPI implementation.
The uniaxial compression tests are compressed parallel to their longitudinal axis.
To solve this problem, the nonlinear finite element calculation in parallel with model tests are used to study the expansion water seal, and a modified program is identified accordingly.
For dual-polarity tests, use two diodes back-to-back in parallel.
For dual-polarity tests, use two diodes back-to-back in parallel.