Witness paranormal activity on the sightings map, discover The Mystery, explore evidence and meet witnesses. Beware: the site may be infected.
However, the mysterious beings disappeared when he "looked away for a second" and he contacted UFO experts after witnessing other paranormal activity.
Uncover thrilling discoveries, potentially paranormal activity and sordid secrets in your quest to help Dr. Lynch disprove rumors of the supernatural.
And, from there I had couple of years as a kid where everything seemed ok, lot of paranormal activity going on and all that and then at 14 I'm gone again.
The mysterious planet was supposedly discovered by the Sumerians, according to claims by pseudo-scientists, paranormal activity enthusiasts and internet theorists.
Not only has their been many different sightings of ghosts, but there has been paranormal activity linked to real life events in the past that simply cannot be explained.
You're gonna love it. "Then there was Paranormal Activity, which built its reputation at one film festival after another, until it was finally released in 13 college towns."
Although some would like to believe it was paranormal activity or an alien spaceship, the most likely answer to the cause of the mysterious light seems to be a Russian missile test gone wrong.
Most of this activity has been attributed to various physical or electrical explanations by skeptics, but like with anything paranormal, there are cases that are too weird for explanation.
Apparently paranormal events, which some scientists put down to unusual electrical activity, could be drowned out by the electronic noise produced by phone calls and text messages.
Popular culture has attributed these disappearances to the paranormal or activity by extraterrestrial beings.
It is, in fact, the Agency that has been assigned to investigate 'low probability/high risk' threats -- like transdimensional activity or paranormal threats.
It is, in fact, the Agency that has been assigned to investigate 'low probability/high risk' threats -- like transdimensional activity or paranormal threats.