The Paris agreement has been widely hailed as a positive step forward in addressing climate change for all, although the details on addressing "climate justice" can be best described as sketchy.
The two-day Paris conference, which ended Friday, aimed to reach agreement among 17 major carbon-dioxide emitting countries on drafting a new climate change treaty by 2009.
Next month, the historic Paris Agreement on climate change will enter into force.
Third, any climate change agreement in Paris must ensure that countries actually implement the emissions cuts they commit to.
At a time of record heat, Member States have embraced the Paris Agreement on climate change in record time.
The final accord must agree to a regular review mechanism, full transparency of data and an ability to supplement the Paris agreement with further climate-change action as necessary.
More than 170 nations signed the Paris agreement, committing to fight climate change by cutting carbon emissions.
India is depositing its instrument of ratification to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.
The parties have all committed themselves to working for an early entry into force of the Paris Agreement on climate change.
In Paris, the United States and China, working together and with others, played a critical role in crafting a historic, ambitious global climate change agreement.
After four years of negotiations, the historic Paris Agreement was finally adopted at the end of 2015, laying foundation for the future global governance of climate change.
〔提 要〕历经四年谈判,2015年底的气候大会最终通过了决定未来全球气候变化治理格局的《巴黎协定》。
We issued three joint statements on climate change, and worked together with other countries for the conclusion of the historic Paris Agreement.
The Paris Agreement clearly establishes a global goal in enhancing adaptive capacity, strengthening resilience and reducing vulnerability to climate change.
The Paris agreement should help increase input of resources to ensure actions on climate change.
We welcome the domestic steps already undertaken by some countries, and encourage others to do so, to help bring the Paris Agreement on Climate Change into force as soon as possible.
We welcome the domestic steps already undertaken by some countries, and encourage others to do so, to help bring the Paris Agreement on Climate Change into force as soon as possible.