To cater for students of different backgrounds, the programme is offered for either full-time or part-time study.
In a UUK report, he said the number of flexible courses - including part-time study, on-the-job training and internet-based qualifications - would "explode" in the future.
This is the first time that children have taken part in such a study.
In the meantime, I sit on some committees and study part time for a masters degree, and I make an effort to enjoy every bird and tree I see, and every moment with family and friends.
Chiu's study was rarely mentioned in the years following its publication, in large part because psychological scientists at that time paid little attention to cultural variables.
A study in Sweden and the United States found that people using a cell phone before bedtime take longer to get into deep sleep and spend less time in the deepest part of sleep.
After being diagnosed with a brain tumour at the age of nine, Lizzy missed three years of schooling before returning to study part-time.
A part-time job at a local business or on campus is ideal, especially if you can find something related to your field of study.
A 2006 study found that 61% of Dutch women in work are part-time; in Germany it is only 39%.
On some estimates, half of recent graduates are failing to find full-time jobs and are going into further study or part-time employment.
When I started this case study, the goal was tomake full time income with part time blogging.
My main concern, though, regarded the pathway itself: specifically, the GIC demand that the 'real life experience' includes full - or part-time employment, voluntary work or study.
They thought the study was part of life, they loved extreme sports, so they spent a lot of time on it.
And many parents and children think that spending a lot of time on the computer or in front of the television is OK if it's part of a "balanced lifestyle, " the study inPediatrics says.
Rainmaking is even riskier, the study says, in part because it takes just as much time and effort but isn't billable unless and until a new client signs on.
The women were healthy, 57 years old on average, and had worked full or part-time when the study began in 1999.
As a college student, t he more time you spend on part-time jobs, the less time you will have on your study, thus the poorer your score will be.
Univeisity can provide me with a quiet environment and sufficient time to study, besides, as a professor I can take part in scientific research and education.
You can do a part time job in your spare time, you can joinsome associations, or you can study hard in one field, which can benefit toyou.
The result of the survey suggests that many Chinese students abroad spend most of their time on study and have little time for part-time jobs.
He devoted part of his time to the study of history.
The employee motivation always is a hot topic and focus management theories study, due to large-scale emergence of part-time employees, the part-time employee motivation is also the front subject.
With more free time, we can do many more things besides study, such as joining societies clubs, and taking part-time jobs.
Novel is a time-space art. Time study of novels is a very important part in novel aesthetics.
Will your part-time job affect your study?
While the others worry about that taking part-time jobs may have negative effects on study.
While the others worry about that taking part-time jobs may have negative effects on study.