The Pacific recorded an aggregate international visitor number drop of five percent in July, a result driven in part by a steep fall in arrivals to Australia (-12.8 percent).
太平洋地区报告了该地区今年7月到达国际旅客总体数量下降了5%,部分原因是由于到澳大利亚旅游的人数急剧下跌(- 12.8%)。
Therefore, you can use a data column in a WHERE clause even if it is not part of the GROUP BY clause or contained in an aggregate function.
所以,即使数据列不是GROUPBY子句的一部分或者不包含在聚合函数中,也可以在 WHERE 子句中使用它。
Gravel to replace the part after the lightweight aggregate, lightweight aggregate concrete strength despite some improvement in performance has declined more antifreeze.
Yet for the most part models of aggregate phenomena in management science and economics are not consistent with such micro-empirical knowledge of individual decision-making.
Yet for the most part models of aggregate phenomena in management science and economics are not consistent with such micro-empirical knowledge of individual decision-making.