A name is an integral part of anyone's personal and professional identity—just like the town you're born in and the place where you're raised.
Instead, the digital services tax is part of a much larger trend, with countries over the past few years proposing or putting in place an alphabet soup of new international tax provisions.
Whenever you kill a trophy monster, you gain the honor part of its reward immediately and then place the card itself face up in front of you.
A large part of that increase took place in Uruk itself, which became a real urban center surrounded by a set of secondary settlements.
Parpal dumplin was first discovered in a place called the Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds as part of a project called Seasearch.
Parpal dumplin首次发现于一个叫做克罗默浅滩白垩质河床的地方,它的发现是一个叫做“海洋研究”项目的一部分。
A large part of my son's school day takes place across 1,000 square meters of forest and wetlands.
Another part of learning how to attract bees is to always leave a place for wild grass or flowers near your garden.
Still, even for them, Israel became the centre of the Jewish world-not merely as a place to run to if things got bad, but as part of what they were.
But the appeal of others is based at least in part on a romantic image of the South as a place of song, flavour and charm.
As she worked, something puzzled her. The bookshelves, usually the most orderly part of any place her father lived, were in quite a bit of disarray.
Allow children to be a part of corporate prayer times in your place of worship.
The power of having some time in the first part of your day to yourself in order to enter your day calmly and slowly, from a place of intention, can reap tremendous benefits for the rest of the day.
And part of what happens in a place like Princeton is that people get challenged. -right.
For floating-point Numbers, you place a decimal as the separator between the whole part of the number and the fraction.
The Meadow is a part of my parents’ place up in Michigan.
A place to live, a part in the great pageant of life here.
Now that you have some good, testable, reusable components in place, you can make them a part of the default scaffolding.
And that culture is a huge part of what makes it so successful-and, not surprisingly, a good place to work.
And that culture is a huge part of what makes it so successful — and, not surprisingly, a good place to work.
Whenever you kill a Trophy monster, you gain the honor part of its reward immediately, and then place the card itself face up in front of you.
The goal is a cathedral you hold sacred, a place where you can feel part of something larger.
It was a very vibrant place, and young people were really part of the life of the city.
But the place you knew first is at least a large part of who you are.
As part of this, we agreed to put in place a stronger framework of standards for supervision and regulation of the financial system.
In the northeastern part of Hunan Province in an area called Yiyang a river passes a place that is not found on maps and is only known to the people who live there.
These can be issued to minimise a tax liability, but could also be used in place of shares as part of a deferral arrangements.
If a suitable deployment automation solution is not in place, a common alternative is to try to carry out customization as part of the build and release process.
A significant part of the work of portfolio management takes place in the form of reviews.
A significant part of the work of portfolio management takes place in the form of reviews.