He is going to partner with us on this project.
"The dog became a symbiotic partner with us," he says.
Health is a full partner with us ten years well, a good friend, we can say is inseparable!
There's still a lot of work that we've got to do to make sure that Iraq is an effective partner with us.
A better approach may be to require foreign portals to partner with US-based portals to reach more foreign investors.
We thank you for your decision to partner with us in reaching your goals. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.
Leading academics in North America, Europe and Asia naturally choose to partner with us because we're recognised as having the best academics and research, " says Professor Chua."
What I have told people outside China is that being a good partner of China on issues within China. It will help us develop a stronger partnership with China in third countries.
Once we do feel safely linked with our partner, we can tolerate the hurts they will—inevitably—inflict upon us in the course of daily life.
It drives us to keep partners from straying with tactics such as escalating vigilance or showering a partner with affection.
I'm not sure that's a viable option for us in a startup where we do everything including working with many partner companies.
He welcomed it and said that US looked forward to being an effective partner with China.
As she always did the activities with us, she was not only our teacher, but also our best partner.
When the Krywkos returned to the US, they searched for a manufacturing partner with the tools and expertise to produce their earphones.
Phillips of Long Island University explores what our relationships with pets can teach us about our relationship with a spouse or romantic partner.
The study by electronics firm Philips found that one in ten of us has a fight with our partner daily, while one in twenty has several fights per day.
While in this zodiac sign, Saturn forces us all to look at who we choose to partner with, what kind of partnerships we like, and how we behave within our partnerships.
Today Zlio announced an agreement for their US site to partner with Shopping.com, an online shopping comparison service that is owned by eBay.
If your organization wants to be affiliated with IPSCMI as a potential alliance partner, don't hesitate to email us at our address shown in "Contact us".
If your organization wants to be affiliated with IPSCMI as a potential alliance partner, don't hesitate to email us at our address shown in "Contact us".