This system mapped the implementation and demand through strategy module, and the whole system would be design as standard parts to adapt to the change of the recommendation strategy.
The telescope that took the picture is know as the New Solar telescope which USES adaptive optics, parts that change to adapt to disturbances in the atmosphere and correct distortions in the signals.
Now they want to go a step further in the process adoption, so they plan to adapt some parts of the RUP content to their specific needs.
Other parts of my life were able to adapt more flexibly.
Since the rings adapt themselves to the round form of the matching parts, this circumstance has no effect on the installed bearing, but it is noticed when measuring the bearing before installation.
Various parts of the decision to adapt to a large extent the characteristics of various objects.
So, the human beings migrated to adapt to the change of terrace location, which led to the number of sites increasing gradually in the lower areas of the central and eastern parts of this province.
The curvature and mode of branchings of its different parts adapt to its vivid function.
Custom fixtures adapt the devices, which can be wafer, packaged parts, or connectorized modules, to the RI universal interface.
Custom fixtures adapt the devices, which can be wafer, packaged parts, or connectorized modules, to the RI universal interface.