They ignored the official party line.
Forty members of the governing Conservative party rebelled, voting against the government line.
There was a time when Republicans used to refer to themselves, proudly, as "the party of Lincoln." But you don't hear that line much these days. Why?
The ANC is making new rules to clarify the fuzzy line between party and government jobs on the one hand and business interests on the other.
If the guarantee is made by the third party (except the bank and the insurance company), the loan line shall be no more than 60% of auto funds.
Last night Mr Kingdom told of the moment he feared his party was in the stalker's line of fire, and how he was confronted by a man in a sinister exchange on a deserted country lane.
The bottom line: Excelling at this style of humor may lead to party invitations but can ultimately exact a high price.
Being last in line to get cake or ice cream at a party.
Cocktail dresses with bold prints and easy cuts and the lower-priced, more commercially styled McQ line bridged the gap between opulent gowns and party dresses.
The whole party were in hopes of a letter from Mr. Bennet the next morning, but the post came in without bringing a single line from him.
So the party seems set, for now, to swallow his new line on Lisbon.
The Republican Party would be wise to think carefully about its loss of Mr Specter, one of America's best known senators, whose views are Shared by many old-line business-friendly Republicans.
Should either joint-venturer fails to pay the contribution on schedule according to Clause 5, the default party should pay the other 10% of the interest one month after the dead line.
The party line is that being U.S. attorney in the Southern District of New York is his dream job and that he won't use it as a stepping stone to higher office.
Hold the party until you've crossed the finish line.
Assembly members must be elected on aproportional basis using the open party line ballot system.
CCXML is more advanced than most VoiceXML implementations, offering support for callbacks, event listeners, and multi-line and multi-party sessions.
Fortunately, hesitating line in the fleeting time of the River, as well as not help the reunion of the trees planted this summer party.
At the time of the next election, hundreds of normally loyal activists could refuse to help the party campaign if the line is going ahead, activists have warned.
If the AfD party as a whole sticks to the same line then, yes, it might deter quite a number of decent middle-class voters.
Inside the Party we should distinguish right from wrong in terms of theory and of the Party line, conduct criticism and self-criticism and help and supervise each other in correcting wrong ideas.
Everyone receives a party thrown in their honor when they cross the line of faith and join God's family.
Moreover, given the PP's hierarchical structure, Mr Rajoy will have little trouble keeping his party in line.
Moreover, given the PP's hierarchical structure, Mr Rajoy will have little trouble keeping his party in line.