Constant geometry FFTs are kept constant flow diagram from pass to pass, which can simplify some programs or hardware design and modularize array or pipeline FFT processors.
"Pass! Pass!" Nasmith kept shouting, blowing his whistle to stop the excited players.
The former should pass all the time; the latter should pass to the degree that customers require.
If you need to pass the message to a second service for additional processing, you would configure an outbound router on the first service to pass the message to the second service.
To attain certification level 1, you must pass exams 101 and 102; to attain certification level 2, you must pass exams 201 and 202.
Other greens reckon that if this is the strongest bill that can pass, the best idea is to pass it now and tighten it later.
Photo: a pair of sisters dressed as a grape and a carrot pass out plates to Senate staffers in Washington, D.C., with a message urging them to pass a nutrition bill.
Photo: a pair of sisters dressed as a grape and a carrot pass out plates to Senate staffers in Washington, D. C., with a message urging them to pass a nutrition bill.
Instead of letting it pass, the holes would reflect the light back toward the tip of the fibre optic cable, effectively turning the diaphragm into a mirror even as it still allowed water to pass.
If you're going to pass a bit of data around, do you put that data in a dictionary, and pass it around the dictionary?
And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.
Pass, pass, pass and look to pick holes in United's suddenly creaky back four.
One of them is the fact that you only need to pass the parameter to the database server, and you get the result back. You don't need to pass the entire SQL statement itself.
Though you can pass another closure to it, instead pass it a reference to another function called addEmployee.
They should also pass across any existing link juice to the new URL, although they probably will not pass 100% of the link juice or the anchor text.
虽然他们可能不会传递100%的linkjuice或者锚文本,但是他们应该传递一些已经存在的link juice到新的URL。
Regardless of the options you pass, the method will pass the string to the PHP function htmlentities and return the result. The options you can pass to the HTML method include.
But if we only consider the builds that were expected to pass, we actually have an 80% pass rate (see Table 1).
Through those tubes, rescue workers could pass food, water, medicine, telephone lines, letters between miners and family members, and games to help pass the time.
Much better to stick with a two-level system of pass and fail, or (if you will insist on such elitism) one extra level of “pass with distinction” for the top quartile.
If you're approaching another runner or cyclist and need to pass them, communicate with him and let them know on which side you're trying to pass.
Also, in order to pass gymnasium (and you had to pass it to graduate) you had to learn to swim if you didn't know how.
If you're approaching another runner, walker, or cyclist, and need to pass him, let him know on which side you're trying to pass.
The errand-boy next door has a little pointed beard, I have seen him pass every day with a young person in a pink bonnet on his arm; to-day I saw him pass, and he had a gun on his arm.
But [understanding human biology] doesn't give males a pass on being civilized or any parent a pass on having to train their sons.
I think there is a kernel of truth in stereotypes. But [understanding human biology] doesn't give males a pass on being civilized or any parent a pass on having to train their sons.
The costs are passed on to insurers, who pass them on to employers in the form of higher premiums, who then pass them on to workers in the form of lower pay.
Each time the boxes came face to face, the small box would either move aside to let the large box pass, or the larger one would allow the smaller box to pass.
Paid plans start at $9.99 for an unlimited day pass, and progress to $20 for a monthly 1GB pass, $35 for 3GB, and $50 for 5GB.
The great benefit of an IndRail pass is that you can ask the UK IndRail pass agency to pre-book some or all of your trains before you get to India, saving time, hassle and possible disappointment.
The great benefit of an IndRail pass is that you can ask the UK IndRail pass agency to pre-book some or all of your trains before you get to India, saving time, hassle and possible disappointment.