In this paper, the mathematical model of the skip-stop strategy for urban rail transit trains is introduced, factors correlated with the passenger travel time are analyzed.
For example, because of work in the passenger travel time as short as possible, out of tourists were expected to travel the province as possible, older visitors were asked the least number of transit.
详细说明: 全国交通咨询模拟 出于不同目的的旅客对交通工具有不同的要求。例如,因公出差的旅客希望在旅途中的时间尽可能短,出门旅游的游客则期望旅费尽可能省,而老年旅客则要求中转次数最少。
For example, because of work in the passenger travel time as short as possible, out of tourists were expected to travel the province as possible, older visitors were asked the least number of transit.
详细说明: 全国交通咨询模拟 出于不同目的的旅客对交通工具有不同的要求。例如,因公出差的旅客希望在旅途中的时间尽可能短,出门旅游的游客则期望旅费尽可能省,而老年旅客则要求中转次数最少。