Is always passing by reference a bad practice?
Do not confuse the concept of passing by reference with the concept of reference types.
A passing reference in a recent profile by Glamour magazine to her 20-hour workdays prompted an outpouring of admiration.
The previous section showed how to reference another sequence diagram by passing information through parameters and return values.
Two transfer mechanisms are available: passing by value (inline) and by reference.
We've mitigated that to some extent by factoring out the lookupService() method and passing just the reference name.
As the above example also shows, passing use variables by reference is one way you can allow the closure to modify values.
You first get a reference to the unordered list from Listing 3 by passing a CSS selector to jQuery.
Access to the WSDL of the notification listener service can be provided when the provider's web service is deployed or at runtime by passing a reference to the WSDL on the initial request.
When an XQuery is used, the connector does not support passing the XML result by reference due to difficulties in constructing a LOB locater.
当使用了XQuery时,连接器将不支持通过引用传递XML结果,因为构造LO b定位器比较困难。
There's an SCA component passing some double values by reference to another SCA component, so no data transformations or protocol translations have to take place.
Your normal habit when passing an argument to a function should be to pass by const reference.
Passing types by reference (using out or ref) requires experience with Pointers, understanding how value types and reference types differ, and handling methods with multiple return values.
Your normal habit when passing an argument to a function should be to pass by const reference.
Your normal habit when passing an argument to a function should be to pass by const reference.