The passivity of adjudicative power is capable of preventing a judges peremptoriness effectively and ensuring fair adjudications.
The absence of training subjects was focused on the passivity of enterprise in training and the default of the third organization;
On the final burst by train, to the pleasant, hilly little town of Viviero, we relax into the delightful passivity of locomotion through sunlit countryside.
We consider passivity of system, a special class of dissipative systems, in which supply rate is represented by the product of the system input and output.
This phenomenon is relevant to the two contracted parties' informational asymmetry, their care with the litigation cost, and the passivity of audit service.
In fact, the crisis can not await in the passivity of people in natural past, need cogent action to resolve the difficulty that global economy place faces however.
The characteristics of the economic responsibility audit refer to the specialty of purpose and function, the complexity of method and the passivity of work arrangement.
Based on passivity of inverter, we can redistribute the system energy, and adopt the approaches of injecting damping and decoupling to optimize passivity-based controller.
The consequences of this passivity of the anode are that the next most anodic item within the anode bonding system will start to sacrifice itself which could of course be very serious.
He calls it captainitis because, he says, "crew members of multi-pilot aircraft exhibit a sometimes deadly passivity when the flight captain makes a clearly wrong-headed decision".
It also risks shaping a policing strategy that errs on the side of passivity.
While this situation is useful in certain cases because of the total passivity afforded the place-owner and visitor, it severely limits the potential contribution of recommendation technology.
But once we decide that we're powerless, our passivity becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, a habit of mind that's harder and harder to shake.
But that same sense of irony becomes dangerous when it justifies passivity.
The cry of "just say NO to the stock market" express Stockholders' feelings of impotence and passivity, which has manifested that they have lost confidence in it.
The hurricane exposed Mr Bush's congenital passivity: he did not visit New Orleans until five days later, after first viewing the damage from the safety of Air Force One.
And every pundit who reinforces that destructive passivity is part of the problem.
It senses its power is growing and this leads to a posture of great self - restraint, even passivity and reluctance to rock the boat.
People who report seeing representations of passivity or helplessness in the blots are thought to have a dependent personality, meaning they rely on others to satisfy their needs.
There is a perfect passivity which is not indolence. It is a living stillness born of trust.
After that display of muteness and passivity, you can only imagine a woman—one with shiny lips—steering the beast.
It is a state of tremendous passivity, receptivity.
However, at the same time it removes from vita contemplative the modern stigma of passivity.
Such superiority or inferiority is the objective basis of initiative or passivity.
The passivity, lagging and the incompleteness of system changes in the early industrialization of China have caused it obviously to make little progress.
Passivity is not only an important property of a system, but also an important approach to control a system.
Passivity is not only an important property of a system, but also an important approach to control a system.