They have your passkey number embedded in them.
Enter the same passkey that you have entered previously and press Ok.
When prompted by the the device ID is now phone, enter the stored in the phone's passkey 0000 and memory.
Unfortunately, not all countries have implemented the "passkey" part of the process as well as they might have done.
After you enter the passkey, you should see that your Bluetooth headset is paired with your computer as demonstrated in figure 6.
You will come to passkey setup screen, please choose "Let me choose my own passkey" and enter your desire passkey and click Next.
After you click the message to allow the Bluetooth connection, you are asked to enter the passkey for the Bluetooth device; see figure 5.
We are not against of solving the problem of energy crisis by technology methods, but technology need to deplete more energy, the rather that technology is not the passkey to all the difficulties.
We are not against of solving the problem of energy crisis by technology methods, but technology need to deplete more energy, the rather that technology is not the passkey to all the difficulties.