You can select or omit specific software, determine the file system layout, choose user ID authentication methods, and even set the root user's password.
This example will use the UsernamePasswordToken, along with a user record stored in an INI file, to show authentication through a user name and password.
Combined.c is a very simple plug-in that reads authentication information (user ID, clear-text password, and group membership) from a predefined flat file.
For the NCFTP utilities ncftpput and ncftpget, you can use a password authentication file.
Password file-base authentication: authentication is based on the password and shadow files or interaction with Network Information System (NIS), on the machine where the database server is installed.
基于密码文件的身份验证:身份验证基于安装数据库服务器的机器上的密码和影子文件,或者与Net workInformationSystem (NIS)的交互。
Then, WebSEAL builds the Basic Authentication header using the password, which is specified in the Webseald.conf file (basicauth-dummy-passwd property).
然后,WebSEAL利用密码构建BasicAuthentication消息头,密码在 Webseald.conf文件内指定( basicauth-dummy-passwd 属性 )。
For authentication on the login screen, you can use the same user name and password as used for IS_USER and IS_PWD environment variables in the GenerateInitiateGlossary.bat file.
对于登录屏幕上的身份认证,可以使用与GenerateInitiateGlossary . bat内为IS_USER和IS _ PWD环境变量使用的相同的用户名和密码。
For authentication on the login screen, you can use the same user name and password as used for IS_USER and IS_PWD environment variables in the GenerateInitiateGlossary.bat file.
对于登录屏幕上的身份认证,可以使用与GenerateInitiateGlossary . bat内为IS_USER和IS _ PWD环境变量使用的相同的用户名和密码。