For example, you might not have the password and might need to retrieve it from a user repository.
S3 USES a user key (a long, random-looking string) and a user password (another random-looking string) to let you store and retrieve files.
If a user name and password are entered, you instantiate a twitter.Api object and retrieve the first five tweets of the logged-in user, as well as the first 120 people you're following.
如果用户名和密码均已输入,就会实例化一个twitter . Api对象并检索这个已登录用户的前5个tweet以及前120个您追随的人。
To retrieve this service document, you need to know the server name along with a user ID and password to connect to the server.
If the user writes their password down on a sticky note, they will very likely leave it where they can easily retrieve it, like underneath their desktop or in their desk draw.
Simply call it using user name or password parameters to retrieve the values from an SDK Credential.
If you forget your password, you have to answer some questions to retrieve it.
I ran the goose, is no good solution, so that he can contact customer service to retrieve the account password, otherwise we will be hoping to catch the blackmail and impose exactions on hacker.
The profile 'ZZ' requires a password. Enter your password to login into your Roaming Access Profile and retrieve your profile information.
The profile 'XX' requires a password. Enter your password to Login into your Roaming Access profile and retrieve your profile information.
简要表'XX '需要口令。输入口令,才能注册到“漫游访问简要表”,并检索简要表信息。
How do I retrieve lost password? Tell me What should I do?, please.
The secret is used to garble the password, and the same secret can be used to retrieve the original password.
To retrieve your customer number or password hint or to reset your password, click here.
If you've forgot your login password please retrieve your password from the login page.
If the SIM card is replaced, the data will be automatically hidden, and only you can retrieve it by entering the password you have chosen.
Whenever you want to retrieve your ICQ password you will need to provide the answer to your chosen question.
If you forget your User Name or password, Please click here to retrieve password, the password will be sent to your Email address.
Forget password? Click here to retrieve your password.
Enter your password to login into your Roaming Access profile and retrieve your profile information.
As it is impossible for us to retrieve your original password we have generated a new one.
I have applied for and retrieve the password, but he does not return to my team.
Today I could not log into my account and when I tried to retrieve my password the system told me that my email was not in the database.
Today I could not log into my account and when I tried to retrieve my password the system told me that my email was not in the database.