In the past century, Irish painting has changes from a British-influenced lyrical tradition to an art that evokes the ruggedness and roots of an Irish Celtic past.
From half past four to half past five in the afternoon is our favorite time.
Do not dwell on past slips and relapses because they are in the past and we cannot change the past.
Don't live in the past, but, move on from past mistakes and difficult situations.
Of course this — these are morality stories written for Jews who were living under Greek domination encouraging them not to worship Greek gods but its past in the distant past.
Now that you've reflected on the past, realize that the past is over. It isn't happening anymore, except in your mind.
We are now in the warmest climatic phase of the past two millennia, another climatic extreme like the 17th century in LIA, which was the coldest period of the past two millennia (17).
Two of them went down in the past year, and of the remaining 13, 12 are past their design lifetimes.
This book, drawing on Icelanders' astonishingly detailed diaries and letters in past centuries, gives the outsider a rare glimpse into the past lives of an extraordinary people.
In the past few years, a number of standards proposals have emerged in the past few years to provide a key piece of the XML middleware story: networked service requests.
Losers live in the past. Winners live life now based on lessons learned in the past.
Average house prices have risen by less than 6% in the past 12 months. And share prices have gained only 42% in the past four years.
Geologist who have studied evidence for past earthquakes have shown that similar quakes have occurred several times in the past.
The data can be mined to compare the age of the purchaser of past cars and the colors bought in the past.
Your past does not matter and you are not who you were in the past.
My route to work takes me past the Japanese embassy. Rarely have I seen so many police deployed around it as in the past few days.
Meanwhile, the past is the past, it's not happening right now in the present moment, or is it?
The Dow has risen in 12 of the past 20 Augusts, including each of the past four years -- even the disastrous 2008.
There is more food available than has been in the past. And people are getting on buses and going to offices and not necessarily being as physically active as they have been in the past.
If you say it's in the past, it's in the past.
That is a 61% increase in the past two years; hardly shabby, but nowhere near the increases seen in the past.
Adding a twist to the experiment, the scientists asked a group of participants to list their monetary expenditures from the past month and another group to list weather conditions in the past month.
But I'm no longer as eager to put the past behind me as I was in the past.
If you want to talk about work you did in the past, use the past tense, e.g.
In the past six months, gas prices have climbed more than 70 cents, but in the past two weeks alone, they're up 34 cents.
One of the authors of the study, Dr. Itzhak Fried, describes it like this: "In a way then, reliving past experience in our memory is the resurrection of neuronal activity from the past".
Itzhak Fride博士是这项研究的作者之一,他是这样描述的:在某种程度上,再经历我们记忆中的经历,是神经元活力从对过去经历的回忆的复活。
Removing items associated with past memories or lives frees us up to stop living in the past and start living in the present.
The economy added over 200, 000 jobs in each of the past three months and over 1.3m jobs in the past year.
The economy added over 200, 000 jobs in each of the past three months and over 1.3m jobs in the past year.