He knows his way around the intricate maze of patent law.
They are also hoping the court's ruling will rein in patent law, which is increasingly being used to claim new life forms as private property.
Today, most graduates end up working outside academia, not only in industry but also in careers such as science policy, communications, and patent law.
In December 2008, the third revision to the Patent Law was completed.
This is because the us patent law (35 us Code) is a federal statute.
The patent law will play a more leading role in the American economy in the 21st century.
Fred: How long is the duration of patent right for an invention according to your patent Law?
Fred: : How long is the duration of patent right for an invention according to your patent Law?
佛瑞德:根据专利法,专利权的期限应是多长时间呢? ?
Four months after the twins were born, Margaret qualified as a barrister specializing in tax and patent law.
Of course, this dilemma arises in many human endeavors, from building design, to rocket science, to patent law.
To suit the need of this trend, it is urgent to consolidate the rational analysis and probe of patent law.
Patent law gives an inventor the sole and exclusive right to exploit and to authorise another to exploit an invention.
Fred: you are well-informed. Can you tell me something about the Patent Law in our country from the book you are reading?
Fred: : you are well-informed. Can you tell me something about the Patent Law in our country from the book you are reading?
It's been suggested that Apple has even filed misleading patents, with one group using an obscure patent law to Sue the company.
to be responsible for the interpretation of the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Patent Law and related laws and regulations;
After years of failed attempts to remedy the situation, on March 8th the Senate passed the biggest overhaul to patent law since the 1950s.
Only those which meet the knowledge requirements of patent law in order to be granted the patent, and thus protected by national laws.
Revisions to the patent law that take effect in October strengthen the requirement for a patent's novelty, bringing it up to global standards.
Revisions to the patent law that take effect in October strengthen the requirement for a patent’s novelty, bringing it up to global standards.
It blends patent law, medical science, breast cancer activism and an unusual civil liberties argument in ways that could make it a landmark case.
Newland, "she added, turning to her mother and aunt," is obliged to go to Washington about a patent law-suit that is coming up before the Supreme Court.
Newland, "she added, turning to her mother and aunt," is obliged to go to Washington about a patent law-suit that is coming up before the Supreme Court.