Blois is famous for patisserie.
The busy streets in Paris were uneven and caked in thick mud, but there was always a breathtaking sight to see in the shop windows of Patisserie de la Rue de la Paix.
It goes well with cakes, desserts or dry patisserie.
Delia came home with a box of the most delicious patisserie.
This particular design was the most popular at the patisserie I visited, or so I was told.
Since bakery patisserie and chocolate are three specific sectors we conduct three different research programmes.
Thus, for example, in the ground floor a patisserie is placed, and a separate play area is allocated for kids behind a transparent glass wall.
Set in a modern and contemporary atmosphere, Figs and Olives serves up healthy lunch options and the finest selection of homemade patisserie and chocolates.
Park Patisserie Lounge is located in the lobby of the hotel, where guests can enjoy freshly baked cakes and muffins, or chocolates, truffles, ice cream, and more.
One of the few creatures on foot Tuesday was a small stray dog that nosed its way past an emptied patisserie with a placard in its front window advertising a live Flamenco show for March 20.
One of the few creatures on foot Tuesday was a small stray dog that nosed its way past an emptied patisserie with a placard in its front window advertising a live Flamenco show for March 20.