Paul Graham :As well as mattering less whether students get degrees, it will also start to matter less where they go to college.
阮一峰的译文 :除了学位的重要性变得越来越低,你上的是哪一所大学也将变得越来越不重要。
Developer Paul Graham wrote an impassioned post this week called "Apple's Mistake," where he expressed his shock and disappointment at Apple's heavy hand with iPhone developers.
新兴的创业公司孵化器yCombinator的创始人保罗·格雷厄姆(Paul Graham)本周发表了一篇名为“苹果的错误”文章,在文中他对苹果公司对iPhone开发人员的强制手段表示强烈的不满和失望。
Although you can watch the video archives on (and Paul Graham says he'll be Posting the essay version of his remarks online soon), here are some of the highlights from my lecture notes.
尽管你可以在Justin . tv上观看视频合辑(而且Paul Graham说他将会尽快在网上发布他笔记下的演讲文本),我依然愿意分享一些我所记录下来的亮点。
Paul Graham has written extensively about this so I won't belabor it too much, except to say this: you don't need much startup capital, but what you do need is a willingness to work your buns off.
Paul Graham 说过很多关于这方面的内容,我就不展开了,之说几句:你不需要启动资金,但你必须愿意自己做。
Paul Graham has written extensively about this so I won't belabor it too much, except to say this: you don't need much startup capital, but what you do need is a willingness to work your buns off.
Paul Graham 说过很多关于这方面的内容,我就不展开了,之说几句:你不需要启动资金,但你必须愿意自己做。