The paper has a key research on the mechanical construction quality control of the pavement base of LuHuo Grade I road.
The paper introduces the quality control methods and results achieved in construction of cement-stabilized steel slag pavement base.
The material selection, mix-gradation design and construction technology for using iron tailings as pavement base are described in detail.
RCC lean concrete is one kind of super-stiff concrete, and there are only a few engineering examples in which it applied to the pavement base in domestic.
The text introduce a handy method during subgrade or pavement base construct named" one line" method, and showed its peculiarity and applicable performance.
The paper introduces the construction technology and essentials for quality control for lime and fly ash stabilized macadam to be used in freeway pavement base construction.
The trail results indicates that the fly ash which the early strength agent is mixed into has higher early strength and water stability and may be applied to pavement base or subbase.
For example, engineers designing a pavement do not have to base their attempts entirely upon experimentation, but can use reference sources that describe the conclusions of others.
Subgrade is the important part of the highway engineering and the base of the pavement.
The study of the mechanical properties of cement concrete pavements is the base of the structural design of pavement.
RCC-AC composite pavement is a pavement structure using a special technique to combine the asphalt concrete surface with the rolled concrete plate used as a base in a proper way.
The asphalt pavement on cement-stabilized crushed stones base produces cracks easily so that the structure of pavement is destroyed too easily, specially under heavy vehicles.
Surface course thickness and base modulus of asphalt concrete pavements are important parameters in pavement structure design.
This article researches on the calculation method of thermal stress of cement concrete pavement on lean concrete base course.
By setting pavement waterproof course, make a guarantee both improvement road base stability and extend road life.
This text mainly introduced the application of the common finite element software ABAQUS in lean concrete base asphalt pavement.
This paper introduces the pavement over the causes and driving, road base, surface and construction of, and for taking appropriate preventive measures.
Hollow concrete is a well performance novel road base material, and the corresponding asphalt pavement with hollow concrete water drainage substrate is a novel road pavement structure.
The base has bigger percent air voids and can promptly detain pavement interior water, and can effectively reduce the reflection crack.
The results show that: the module of subgrade and the depth of base have important influence on pavement performance, while the module of base has little influence.
The quality control of asphalt concrete pavement of high grade highway involves layers of cushion, base and surface.
The concrete pavement with lean concrete base (LCB) is a suited kind of pavement structure for heavy and over-heavy traffic. Because of its excellence, it has good future.
In north cold area pavement is usually distressed because of heave factor, and the base may reduce water heave function and increase pavement service life.
The target porosity and thickness of pavement of the permeable asphalt mixture on the basis of the factors such as reducing the runoff, the filter ability of soil base and pavement overflow.
As a part of pavement structure, the mechanical behavior of asphalt treated permeable base (ATPB) affects the performance of roadway directly.
Lime industrial solid waste stabilized sand gravel is applied in base of highway pavement structure. Without stopping traffic, construction can proceed.
Also introduced here are the mixture ratio and design of pavement, base, sub-base, sub-seal and old road strengthening for typical pavement structure of different road classes in Zhengzhou.
Unbound aggregate base can efficiently retard the reflexion of cracks to asphalt pavement surface, which is aroused by the shrinkage crack of semi-rigid base in the inverted structure.
There are various kinds of base course materials of asphalt pavement with a wide range of modulus. Base course modulus has important influence on pavement structural mechanics.
There are various kinds of base course materials of asphalt pavement with a wide range of modulus. Base course modulus has important influence on pavement structural mechanics.