He decided to pay a call on Tommy Cummings.
As a result of this "shrinkage" as the shops call it, the honest public has to pay higher prices.
We went to pay a new year call in the New Year.
I intend to pay a solemn call of thanks upon you.
Pay attention to these signs and the next time you hear "I'll call you" after a date, you won't have to wonder.
Although mobile charges fell across the board on average, prices remained high in North America where users often have to pay to receive a call.
If you can't pay, thanks to mobile technology, your family is only a call away.
Ask IBM, which is hastily shipping bits of its services arm to India; or the call-centre worker who sees off the threat of his job going abroad by settling for only a tiny pay rise.
To pay for the put, the executive simultaneously has his broker sell a call option on his stock.
Unless, of course, it costs your significant other 31 cents a minute to call your international cell phone, in which case you must ask him to call you on a pay phone down the street.
Once you leave us, you'll have a better chance for a good job and a way to pay off your debt and to give us more money when we call on you as alumni.
If I was going to run for Congress, I'd have to pay a courtesy call on him sooner or later.
I'll pay a New Year call to my uncle today.
I had to show it to pay for these shoes with my traveler's cheques. M: Well, let me call the shoe department to see if they've found a passport.
They call it the spiny dragon and they will pay a lot for it, ” he said. “I want things back to normal.”
This morning my family and I get up early, and then go to my grandma pay New Year call, then we went to a one to give our loved ones happy New Year, we all look very happy.
You want to pay yourself or make a collect call?
They said he ignored requests to postpone the trip until the New Year and did not pay a courtesy call to his counterparts at the foreign ministry in Seoul.
Before long Mr. Bennet is persuaded by his wife to pay a formal call at Netherfield Park.
When people apply for insurance, they need to pay the insurance company a certain amount, which is what we call the premium.
Pay New Years call fun little game, game programming source code, a good reference. There is a need to download it.
If you would like the person you are calling to pay the charges, that is, if the person agrees, tell the operator that you want to make a "collect call".
An important activity during the Spring Festival is bai nian (to pay a New Year call).
No existing laws forced to pay for sharing software. So why should pay? Apart from karma, there is a call to "support" things.
Another time for us to pay a New Year call as usual arrived and we met at last.
When using a credit card to pay for your call, the post-paid system applies.
When using a credit card to pay for your call, the post-paid system applies.