Why not work out some system whereby they can pay back the debts they owe society instead of incurring another debt by going to prison and, of course, coming under the influence of hardened criminals.
What must Antonio give Shylock if he can't pay back the debt?
If you need two incomes to qualify for a home loan then both of you will have to sign the promissory note and be legally obligated to pay back the debt.
Speculative borrowers can meet current interest payments from cashflows but need to "roll over" their debt in order to pay back the principal.
With the money they would have gotten from selling gold, they would have been able to pay back a large part of an older debt they've been carrying which is due this year.
It's the promise to pay back that debt and pull the family out of poverty that gives them courage to endure the hardship.
You have to pay that debt back and almost always you end up having to do that at the most inconvenient time.
Recognizing Greece cannot pay it all back, they have said they will forgive half of the debt.
Companies have also tapped the markets by offering bonds - using the proceeds to pay back their now very expensive bank debt.
If the customer understands design debt, it is much easier to articulate the need to pay it back, and organizations can better avoid incurring inordinate debt caused by short-term time pressure.
Americans simply don't have enough money to pay back the mortgage and credit-card debt they've run up.
After Partition, it was agreed that India would initially meet all the liabilities of the united entity and that Pakistan would then pay back its share of the debt to be mutually agreed.
For the Yuan family, credit card debt will take years to pay back.
Firstly, there is the initial debt that comes from paying for tuition and accommodation, and then there’s the time we lose having to work to pay it back.
However, if you don't have the money, you will have to borrow money from person B to pay back person A. This situation sends you deeper in debt.
And it's the one least likely to cause big problems later, as long as you realize you've incurred debt and can pay it back.
One of the world's major credit rating agencies is raising doubts about Portugal's ability to pay back its debt, sparking renewed concern about the stability of Europe's weaker economies.
Greece is in major debt and unable to pay back the money it owes.
Even if Greece is able to convince debt holders to effectively take a large haircut on their debt, the country would still ultimately have to pay back, or refinance, 135 billion euro by 2020.
E. U. finance ministers have suggested giving Greece, an EU member, more time to pay back its loans. However, there is little support for cancelling any of the debt.
Finance of small towns is faced with the difficulty of small income scale, compressed expense, heavy burden of debt, poor ability to pay back and little room of adjustment.
The liquid liability is the debt that an enterprise will pay back during an operation cycle which is either shorter or longer than a year.
If you're so stupid as to think the Chinese don't value the dollar, why do you think they're buying up all our debt, do you think they think we're going to pay it all back in yen?
If you're so stupid as to think the Chinese don't value the dollar, why do you think they're buying up all our debt, do you think they think we're going to pay it all back in yen?