But the real reason seems to be that PDVSA has run out of cash.
PDVSA uses it to refine 200,000 barrels per day—well below its capacity.
PDVSA USES it to refine 200, 000 barrels per day-well below its capacity.
Mr Chavez wants PDVSA to do less business in the United States and more in Latin America.
In the past PdVSA has proposed an overhaul, but only if it is allowed to buy the refinery.
Many of the service contracts allow for international arbitration, so PDVSA is likely to face expensive lawsuits.
PDVSA is months behind with payments to its suppliers, and some drilling rigs have stopped operating as a result.
PDVSA will probably secure Brazilian cooperation. Companies from China, Vietnam, and Angola are also in negotiations.
A third entrant is PDVSA, the state oil company of Venezuela, Cuba's ally and benefactor. PDVSA will probably secure Brazilian cooperation.
“We don’t supply PDVSA directly,” says the owner of a small office-supplies company in the eastern city of Maturín. “But most of our clients do.
One of the defendants, Franklin duran, drives a Ferrari; in partnership with another, he owns a petrochemical firm which has contracts with PDVSA.
有一个叫富兰克林的被告有一辆法拉利,而且他还和另一个被告合伙拥有一个石油化工厂,这个化工厂和PD VS A签有合同。
One of the defendants, Franklin Durn, drives a Ferrari; in partnership with another, he owns a petrochemical firm which has contracts with PDVSA.
其中一名被告Franklin Durn开一辆法拉利汽车,他的石化公司与委内瑞拉国家石油公司PDVSA有合作关系。
Whereas Mr Chavez dictates where PDVSA should lay its pipelines, and who its customers should be, Aramco's managers make such decisions for themselves.
Since 2009, when PDVSA, Venezuela's state oil giant, began sponsoring it, Emelec's payroll has risen by about 30%, according to a local players' agent.
据当地球员的经纪人说,自2009年以来,由于委内瑞拉国有石油巨头PD VSA开始赞助球队,艾米力克球员的工资上涨了30%左右。
The idea, says Luis Giusti, who ran PDVSA from 1994 to 1999, was to make use of multinationals' technology and capital without surrendering the most lucrative opportunities to them.
The idea, says Luis Giusti, who ran PDVSA from 1994 to 1999, was to make use of multinationals' technology and capital without surrendering the most lucrative opportunities to them.