Discussions with the application group should be held to determine the maximum depth expected during peak periods, the size of the messages, and the anticipated duration on the queue.
With another decade under their belt they might have had the size, excess capital and skills to seize the moment and buy big bombed-out banks at the peak of the crisis.
The other option is to iteratively increase the cache size and run the application under peak steady state load until the PMI metrics report no more cache discards.
Its anticipated message volume is 1,000,000 messages per day (peak rates are discussed later), with an average message size of 3.5k including the message descriptor (MQMD).
It found that the date of peak oil will be determined not by the total size of the global resource but by the rate at which it can be exploited.
Set Maximum number of event messages buffered in memory higher than the peak expected burst size.
将Maximumnumberofeventmessagesbuffered inmemory设置为高于预期连续事件峰值的值。
The overflow buffer is used to satisfy peak memory requirements for any heap in the instance Shared memory region whenever a heap exceeds its configured size.
The sector is less than a third of its size 40 years ago and one-fourth the peak it hit during WW II.
The decrease gradient of the peak displacement at the center of plate increases as the foam thickness, fuel-air concentration(i. e. explosion load size) increases to some extent.
The peak current and pulse duration of single pulse determine the size and depth of discharge crater, so they determine the machining surface roughness and size and shape accuracy.
The mechanism minimized the size of CRLs that relying parties had to download, the peak and average loads on CRL repositories, alleviated time granularity and scalability.
The shape, width and peak of the power gain spectra of modulation instability will be influenced by the size relationship of the perturbation frequencies of the two waves.
The size structure of canopy gaps and expanded canopy gaps could be fitted by different unimodal functions with a peak skewed to the left.
Max burst length at peak rate and Max data unit size can not exceed 65535.
The emission wavelength of QDs was controlled by the size of the core and each single-color of QDs has narrow symmetrical emission peak.
Hainan Tropical Botanical Garden, the size of mountain recorded the Peak Park, scenic resorts, and adopt a self - Wuzhishan scenic spots, …
The height of the Ke peak is independent of the grain size while that of this peak is proportional to the number of the bamboo boundary containing in the specimen.
Finally by analyzing these data we can obtain the parameters about the laser beam such as: beam size, relative beam power, relative peak power, divergence Angle, M2 factor and so on.
A uniform grain size in the lime stone ore presents a linear relationship between activity and firing parameters, otherwise a peak value appears.
Gustave "hurricane the United States, China's stock market is also suffering from flood peak size of the non-test ban."
As the annealing temperature increases the red shift of PL peak from nc si shows the quantum size effect.
The higher the peak temperature, the coarser the grain size of prior austenite, the larger the martensitic lath bundle after phase transformation.
The result shows that the counts in characteristic peak regions increase as the source size increase, and its trends of change with radius of source is almost same as that of photon fluence.
If the configuration starts out to the right of the last peak, the ball will roll off to infinity, and the size of the hidden space will increase without bound (it will cease to be hidden).
The particle-size classification of moving dune and semi-fixed dune was better, which showed a strong positive bias and a sharp peak.
The problems occurred when equation RRB is used to describe the multi-peak particle size distribution of cement have been discussed and the solution suggestion has been put out.
The surface plasma resonance peak positions is influenced by the size, shape, metal composition and surrounding medium, the special properties can apply in many areas.
The TSC curves of BaTiO3 powder with silicone oil showed apparently a peak with relation to ferroelectric phase transition, which depends on the size of powder.
It was found that absorption edge and photoluminescence peak shifted to shorter wavelength with decreasing the nanocrystal size due to quantum size effect.
It was found that absorption edge and photoluminescence peak shifted to shorter wavelength with decreasing the nanocrystal size due to quantum size effect.