The shear displacement for the dilatation is always less than that at the peak shear stress.
A theoretical analysis of localized strain and strain rate in shear band after localization occurs beyond the peak shear stress is carried out based on the strain gradient plasticity theory.
The clearance sites had influence not on the peak values of shear stress, peel stress and equivalent stress, but on the occurrence point of those items.
Under plane strain condition, the strain localization starts around the peak stress state; and a V-shaped shear band is formed at the residual stress state.
The results show that there is a negative relationship between peak shear displacement and joint roughness but a positive relationship between peak shear displacement and normal stress.
The stress - strain relationship of soil estabished from shear tests is distinguished into two kinds-progressive hardening type and post-peak softening type.
The test results show that the peak and residual shear stresses increase linearly with the increase of different normal stress histories.
The test results show that the peak and residual shear stresses increase linearly with the increase of different normal stress histories.