Copenhagen was the first city to declare a street for pedestrians only.
This is a shopping street for pedestrians only and no motors are allowed here.
Pedestrians only: the area with the posted sign is assigned for pedestrians only.
Other than the green landscape, the rest of the area is now dedicated for pedestrians only.
Exploring it will take much longer. But that's easy. Copenhagen was the first city to declare a street for pedestrians only.
Waterfall Street (Hong Long Jing) is for pedestrians only (cars don't like waterfalls). Which means the Dali Hump is a peaceful place to sleep, but you can't take a taxi or bus to the door.
Donkey carts battle for space with pedestrians and the only operative road rule is "might is right".
The rain only lasted half an hour, but caused traffic jams and havoc for pedestrians and commuters.
Sidewalk Cafés line a pedestrians-only street in central Vienna's Graben district.
The only noises to puncture the padding of pedestrians around the city were the screeching of sirens from ambulances and police cars, and the cheers of animated activists.
You can still turn left when the light is green, but only when the way is clear of traffic and pedestrians.
Only cross the street at a green light on the corner. Much of China's traffic problems are from walkers (pedestrians) or cyclists (bike riders) not obeying the laws.
He may stop in front of the crosswalk, but that only makes him feel justified in preventing pedestrians from crossing the street on every other occasion.
Not only drivers but also pedestrians should comply with traffic regulations.
Pedestrians to see this beauty, could not help but stopped watching carefully, until reluctantly to leave, only to find their troubles have long been lost somewhere along.
For the average-looking Michelle, a few pedestrians stopped but only made Suggestions as where she could walk to get gasoline.
Also, looking back from the street, from their eye level, pedestrians will only see the plinth of the building.
Drunk-driving can not only cause traffic accidents, but also endanger the lives of pedestrians.
In addition, drivers and pedestrians crossing one-way streets need look in only one direction to observe traffic.
Cars Only: No Bicycles Motorcycles or Pedestrians.
Looking back from the street, from their eye level, pedestrians would only see the plinth of the building.
A walk through the downtown area, which includes a pedestrians' only avenue with cute shops and restaurants, reveals a lot of bicycle shops as well as outdoor equipment and apparel shops.
A walk through the downtown area, which includes a pedestrians' only avenue with cute shops and restaurants, reveals a lot of bicycle shops as well as outdoor equipment and apparel shops.