Frank Field, an iconoclastic Labour MP, notes that benefits for single mothers penalise those in stable relationships, which are clearly associated with good parenting.
Penalise the first offence: award an indirect free-kick for offside.
And price rises can be managed so that they do not penalise the poorest.
This would raise revenue, penalise consumption and encourage energy efficiency.
You don't see so much of it in Finland because they penalise you heavily for it.
Some councils issued smaller bins, to penalise those who produced lots of rubbish.
And if investors fear they could lose money tomorrow, they may penalise badly run Banks today.
Most systems penalise customers in places such as Eastern Europe, China, Thailand and Vietnam.
She ignored a rule that required her to penalise Adelman for a slapdash presentation when bidding.
A lot of them are unmarried, and many of those who are wed think it unfair to penalise single mothers.
On Monday, some US senators pressed for Congress to penalise Beijing for "manipulating" its currency.
The new Basel 3 rules will penalise Banks with too much wholesale or cross-border borrowing, and with good reason.
Capital ratios that penalise risky activities could make them less profitable, persuading Banks to ditch them.
In its settlement with BJ's, the FTC used its broad "fairness authority" to penalise bad information-security management.
The commission's response has been to seek more power to monitor countries' fiscal policies and penalise the spendthrift.
That has not stopped many from proposing taxes that would penalise exports from countries that benefit from low carbon prices.
Job centres that refuse to penalise people who turn down a job by cutting their benefits face legal action from the potential employer.
I've managed to do only one run with dry weather tyres, I don't have a picture of where we are. But this won't penalise me in the race.
In some cases, this opposition is meant tointimidate or penalise the player who may in this way agree to waive his rightstoward his former club.
The answer could be to reward long-term shareholders with extra votes (or to penalise the short-termers by restricting their voting rights).
Not only does it penalise those who happen to live in certain areas, it also hits those who acted responsibly by saving money and buying a home.
It would be quite wrong to conclude from all this that public policy should be recalibrated simply to reward good relationships and penalise bad ones.
But on 61 minutes, Chelsea were level from the penalty spot. It was a controversial decision by referee Styles to penalise Steve Finnan for a challenge on Malouda.
In the laboratory games, the poorest players surrendered some of their own money tokens simply to penalise their richer counterparts, without any hope of personal gain.
Inn the laboratory games, the poorest players surrendered some of their own money tokens simply to penalise their richer counterparts, without any hope of personal gain.
High payroll taxes in many Latin American countries penalise workers in the formal economy, and rigid and over-generous Labour laws discourage the creation of formal jobs.
Economists prefer carbon prices, especially those set by taxes rather than cap-and-trade systems, which are more vulnerable to capture by the polluters they are supposed to penalise.
There was also wide support for moving taxation to penalise greenhouse gas emissions and encourage energy efficiency, with an average of 68% of people across the EU in favour of such a move.
There was also wide support for moving taxation to penalise greenhouse gas emissions and encourage energy efficiency, with an average of 68% of people across the EU in favour of such a move.