Sometimes what people need is not just money, but people who will trust, listen to and understand them.
It can be used to "listen" to spoken words and turn them into text that deaf people can read.
When people come to the altar for prayer, I have learned not only to listen to them with my physical ears, but also with my spiritual ears.
"Instead of reciting a list of why we wanted people to vote for Barack, like we did for Kerry, " she says, "we were told to ask what was important to people and listen to them."
Developers want to understand these people, emulate them, and listen to their ideas.
Not only do you hire people without having listened to what they say, you can’t get them to pay you even the most cursory compliment of appearing to listen to what you say.
People may understand the company's intentions and recognize them as positive, as well as recognize its willingness to listen to and learn from its users.
ALMOST as soon as radios were invented, people speculated about using them to listen to-and maybe even talk to-extraterrestrial civilisations.
We listen to it while we're with other people and we talk to them about it.
Listen with your eyes. Probably 80% of communication is non-verbal. Facial expressions and body language usually tell the real story. Look at people when you listen to them!
By sharing your quest with other people, you give them a reason to cheer for you, to listen to you, or to join you in changing the world.
"People aren't used to having other people really listen to them, so that's how I win a lot of people over," he says.
May your eyes be open to your servant's plea and to the plea of your people Israel, and may you listen to them whenever they cry out to you.
In one study, for instance, subjects were asked to listen to recordings of people supposedly saying disparaging things about them.
Being a listener is not easy, people always complain about their worries, the listener must be do the job not only listen to them, but also learn to comfort them.
But if you actually listen to why people say they quit smoking on May 7th, they always say it was a personal decision and that they didn't know the whole world was quitting with them.
Other people understand parallel machines much better than I do; programmers should listen to them, not me, for guidance on how to deal with simultaneity.
The "People" sidebar, populated by my Facebook friends, has actually proven handy, letting me listen to entire playlists of theirs, find new tracks I like, and share them with other users.
We see and observe them inviting people to listen to their message.
The one who always listen to others will be easy going, people like to make friends with them, when they are in trouble, their friends are willing to help them.
The Party should pay attention to young people, care about them, listen to their voices, make friends with them, enthusiastically support their work and be their guide.
Kellaris had people listen to a piece of music they liked, and when he later asked them how much time they thought had passed, the listeners' estimates were usually longer.
When you don't listen to your people- by putting them off until later or by listening without hearing what they're saying- you send a message that you don't really care about them.
Tell people your dreams, as often as they are willing to listen. Goals become more tangible when we say them aloud.
Tell people your dreams, as often as they are willing to listen. Goals become more tangible when we say them aloud.