The people live in peace and the country is prosperous.
成语解释: 泰:平安,安定。国家太平,人民安乐。
It is believed that the islands can be a paradise when people live in peace.
When the Party maintains its strength and close ties with the people, China enjoys prosperity and stability and the Chinese people live in peace and happiness.
People can work and live together in peace by following rules and laws.
Millions of young people fought in World War Ⅱ so we could live in peace.
Let us continue to be guided by its founders' soaring example, and move through the conflicts and divisions of our time to a day when people from every part of this world can live together in peace.
And Israel has a particular reason to avoid killing civilians, since the people it is bombing are the neighbours with whom it so much needs to live in peace.
And in the memory of those we lost we continue to work for a world where all people, all people in every part of this world can live in dignity, freedom, and peace.
According to Confucians, only in a state of virtue can the people live and work in peace and contentment.
Why people and people can not live in peace.
Many believe that one day the earth will be destroyed if people do not learn to live in peace.
The people of the world can live together in peace. We know that is God's vision. Now that must be our work here on Earth.
The people of the world can live together in peace.
世界人民能够和平共处。 我们知道这是主的旨意。
I hoped very much Japanese and China's people forever live together in peace and harmony.
Can't people all over this world live in peace?
Telling the truth will help you live in peace and harmony with people around you.
Yes, you live in the hearts of all peace-loving people.
In their memory, we reaffirm the spirit of partnership and mutual respect that we need to realize a world where all people live in dignity, freedom and peace.
You must spread the message of the Buddha. Teach all people to be merciful. Tell everyone not to kill living creatures. Let animals live in peace.
He dreamt that the Olympics would make for people of all countries to live in peace.
Thee classmates, we live is getting better and better now, almost all of the people live a happy life, people to live and work in peace and contentment.
同学们,我们现在的生活过得是越来越好了,几乎所有的人们都过上了幸福快乐的生活,人们安居乐业。 。
But peace is about much more than putting weapons aside. It is about building a global society in which people live free from poverty and share the benefits of prosperity.
A good education tells one how to behave oneself and act in agreement with generally accepted moral standards and how to work and live in peace and cooperation with the people around.
In their memory, we reaffirm the spirit of partnership and mutual respect that we need to realize a world where all people live in dignity, freedom and peace.
In their memory, we reaffirm the spirit of partnership and mutual respect that we need to realize a world where all people live in dignity, freedom and peace.