Given the above information, deduce the amino acid sequence of the peptide antibiotic.
Extracts from the bacterium B. brevis contain a peptide with antibiotic properties.
Fermented antibiotic got from laboratory and bacillus peptide are used as testing objects, cup-plate method is used upon them to determine the dis-infection potency.
Nucleotide N9705 produced by a strain of Streptomyces is a ramification of peptide acyl cytosine nucleotides that has a wide range of antibiotic activities.
由一株链霉菌产生的核苷N970 5是肽酰胞嘧啶核苷衍生物,具有广谱抗生活性。
Nucleotide N9705 produced by a strain of Streptomyces is a ramification of peptide acyl cytosine nucleotides that has a wide range of antibiotic activities.
由一株链霉菌产生的核苷N970 5是肽酰胞嘧啶核苷衍生物,具有广谱抗生活性。