Because these galaxies' mass is spread out over larger areas, they have far fewer stars per unit volume than do conventional galaxies.
By the charge density we mean the per unit volume.
It is the amount of electric charge per unit volume.
Bulk density is defined as the weight per unit volume of loosely tipped fuel.
In physics it is an identification of material by noting its mass per unit volume.
After the eccentric CAM turning impeller, per unit volume reduction of the cavity.
However, a silicon anode can store about 10 times more (per unit volume) lithium ions.
The mass per unit volume of a substance under specified conditions of pressure and temperature.
So, the divergence itself measures basically the amount of sources or sinks per unit volume in a given place.
These rare earth magnets produce a higher magnetic energy per unit volume than most commercially available permanent magnets.
Those include uncovering how bubble growth rates vary with the number of bubble sides and minimizing the surface area per unit volume.
The number of hydrogen atoms per unit volume divided by the number of hydrogen atoms per unit volume of pure water at surface conditions.
The results showed that with the increase of cleanness of the melt, the number of grain per unit volume increased at first, and then decreased.
The Achilles' heel of the technology appears to be its low energy density, or amount of energy that can be stored inside the battery per unit volume.
The total dislocation length per unit volume of material, alternately, the number of dislocations that intersect a unit area of a random surface section.
Objective:Osteoporosis means that the bone weight per unit volume and bone strength reduce. which induce systematic osteonosus for increase of bone fragility.
前言: 目的:骨质疏松是指单位体积骨量的减少与骨强度的降低。骨量减少和骨显微结构受损既而引起骨脆性增加的系统性骨科疾病。
Because cooler air has a higher density (greater mass per unit volume), cold air intakes generally work by introducing cooler air from outside the hot engine bay.
The impact penetrant specific energy of frozen soil indicates the work of chiseling the frozen soil per unit volume, and reflects the ability to impact frozen soil.
If I integrate the concentration of smoke, which means the amount of smoke per unit volume over d, I will get the total amount of smoke in d, except, well, let's see.
The surface area of aggregate per unit volume of mortar does have influence on the mean value of the nearest surface spacing, but the ratio between them is not constant.
When similar flow rate of dialysate or substitution are used, CVVHDF mode has the highest clearance, while CVVHD appears most effective for solute removal per unit volume of liquid.
The amount of energy a battery can store per unit volume is increasing by 8% a year, but the needs of ever more powerful electronic devices are going up more than three times as fast.
The number of effective crosslinking chains per unit volume (ve) and the average molecular weights between crosslinks (Mc) were determined by means of equilibrium swelling measurement.
In order to analyzing the influents of length, width, height and effective contact area per unit volume, three kinds of fills whose character are different selected as experiment speriment.
The sinusoids are packed with RBC's in this case of hereditary spherocytosis. The osmotic fragility of spherocytes is increased, because the RBC's have decreased surface area per unit volume.
The difference between amount per unit volume and bulk density of refractory castable in definition is pointed out, a testing method of amount per unit volume of refractory castable is introduced.
It displays key details about the usage of a business service such as its volume, cost per unit, cost modifier, and the total cost in a particular period.
Mass per unit of volume in powder form, including the air trapped between the particles.
The kinetic energy of per unit penetration volume and the impact kinetic energy per unit cross section are introduced to review their relation by dealing with the experimental data.
The kinetic energy of per unit penetration volume and the impact kinetic energy per unit cross section are introduced to review their relation by dealing with the experimental data.