The engineering includes landfill zone, percolating water treatment zone, management zone and outside-field engineering.
There were plenty of rocks that were probably made when lava bubbling from under the ground mixed with water percolating through the ground.
In addition, water percolating down from the pond has recharged his well and also irrigates a lush new garden rich in fruit and vegetables that he sells.
For more than a century, researchers have known the basics of how limestone caves form: a tiny fracture opens in the rock, perhaps due to some internal stress, and water begins percolating through it.
For more than a century researchers have known the basics of how limestone caves form: a tiny fracture opens in the rock perhaps due to some internal stress and water begins percolating through it.
It may also explain some of the greening that has swept down the mountain's south-eastern flank; water from higher up may be percolating through rock and soil.
Others look totally opaque, having been completely altered, for example by water percolating into the material or chemical elements leaching out of it.
Nitrates produced in excess of the needs of plant life are carried away in water percolating through the soil.
These features suggest that higher fracture permeability and aggressive allogenic water percolating down the fissures are two important factors for the development of stone forests.
Mulch trickle irrigation results not only in the diminution of soil water evaporation, but also in the prevention of water percolating into deep soil.
The changing thickness of the adsorbed water layers can be used to interpret the non-Darcy percolating character in case of low flow velocity of the low permeability oil reservoir.
Methods An inclined tube well collecting percolating ground water with powerful pump in the water-bearing stratum in the depth of 30 meters below the riverbed of Huanghe River was built.
方法打斜管井深入黄河河床以下30 m处,以大功率水泵抽水,经加氯消毒后供生活饮用。
Methods An inclined tube well collecting percolating ground water with powerful pump in the water-bearing stratum in the depth of 30 meters below the riverbed of Huanghe River was built.
方法打斜管井深入黄河河床以下30 m处,以大功率水泵抽水,经加氯消毒后供生活饮用。