The minimum restriction should be considered in both running and retrieving modes if any increase in tool string outside diameter is likely, such as when perforating or when using inflatable packers.
It also points out the adaptive condition of this tool, and tells about the role in perforating, fracture-distinguishing and cementing quality of Wells.
The related perforating coating tool for a heat-conducting fin comprises: a hollow tube filled with conductive medium, some discharge holes on one end of the tube, and a spring scraper under the hole.
一种散热鳍片穿孔涂布工具及涂布方法,该工具为一灌入有导热介质的 中空管体,而在管体的一端周缘上设有数个出料孔,并在邻近该出料孔的下 方周缘处环设有具弹性的刮板;
The related perforating coating tool for a heat-conducting fin comprises: a hollow tube filled with conductive medium, some discharge holes on one end of the tube, and a spring scraper under the hole.
一种散热鳍片穿孔涂布工具及涂布方法,该工具为一灌入有导热介质的 中空管体,而在管体的一端周缘上设有数个出料孔,并在邻近该出料孔的下 方周缘处环设有具弹性的刮板;