It was a civil action for a specific performance of a contract.
Design by contract avoids extra code and improves performance, as long as all clients of a class abide by the contract.
The coach and coachee define a 'contract' based on the needs and expectations of the coachee, and identify links to be made to the organization's Performance Review.
The Alliant contract has a $50 billion ceiling for all prime contractors in the program with a total 10-year period of performance and worldwide coverage.
The Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division in China Lake, Calif., awarded the contract, which has a five-year period of performance.
If a party suspends performance of the contract without conclusive evidence of the other party's inability to perform the contract, it shall be liable for Breach of contract.
He reasonably believes that there will be a fundamental non-performance of the contract by the other party.
A party who fails to fulfill their promise within the time provided is, therefore, in breach of a fundamental term of the contract and the other party may Sue for damages or specific performance.
By introducing performance-based contract and improve the art of managing contract relationship, contracting out may have a bright future of furthur development.
If prior to the date for performance of the contract it is clear that one of the parties will commit a fundamental breach of contract, the other party may declare the contract avoided.
It shall perform the contract if and when the other party provides a sure guarantee for performance of the contract.
"Carrier" means any person who, in a contract of carriage, undertakes to perform or to procure the performance of transport, by rail, road, air, sea, inland waterway or by a combination of such modes.
Prior to procurement or commencement of manufacture, the inspection, NDE and performance testing intervention points shall be adequately defined in a contract specific inspection and test plan (ITP).
Impossibility of performance is mainly a concept of the contract law in Civil Law, and is generally regulated in performance obstacles in the civil laws of many countries.
In view of Dwight's past performance record, it's always advisable to call him prior to sending a secretary over to pick up the contract.
Margin requirements ensure the performance of both parties to a futures contract.
Where there is a dispute about whether the contract is performed, the party concerned responsible for the performance thereof shall bear the burden of proof.
The correlation between executive compensation and firm performance is a prerequisite for the design of an executive compensation contract based on corporate performance.
But the contribution of Prof holmstrom was to determine that an optimal contract should link payments to outcomes that reveal the performance of either party to a contract.
He reasonably believes that there will be a fundamental non-performance of the contract by the other party.
We use fetch to tune performance. We may use lazy to define a contract for what data is always available in any detached instance of a particular class.
A gratuity may be granted upon satisfactory completion of the full contract period with consistently high standard of performance and conduct.
A gratuity may be granted upon satisfactory completion of the contract with consistently high standard of performance and conduct.
Oh, a breach of contract is one party's failure to perform the contract or its performance of the contractual obligations does not conform to the agreed terms.
Injury Performance is a special phenomenon which is not only a breach of contract but also a tort.
A party claiming force majeure has the burden to prove the direct relationship between the force majeure and the non-performance of its obligations under this Contract.
The initial margin requirement on a futures transaction is simply a good-faith deposit to ensure performance according to the terms of the futures contract.
The initial margin requirement on a futures transaction is simply a good-faith deposit to ensure performance according to the terms of the futures contract.