He found plenty of references to this supposed family duty in documents from the period, but never any details.
Duty crime is a multiple crime in current transition period of China.
With the same magnitude, random period error casts much larger effect on the conversion efficiency than random duty cycle error, which is similar with the case in bulk crystals.
Insisting on the routine of exchange duty in English for a long period is the key point to achieve good effectiveness of English learning.
Output jitter is defined in three ways: period jitter. duty-cycle jitter, and phase jitter.
When the acceleration period has terminated, the switch means is controlled by a PWM pulse of the duty ratio in accordance with the speed instruction data, there by driving the DC motor.
在该加速期间结束时,以占空比与速度指令数据对应的PW M脉冲来控制开关机构,从而驱动该直流马达。
Every crossing has the fixed duty period , charges centre for being able to change it's period and in depending on a road when being crowded;
Terms of Appointment: The successful candidate will be appointed on non-civil service contract terms for a period of 24 months and is expected to assume duty in the first quarter of 2016.
聘用条款: 获取录者将按非公务员合约条款聘任,为期24个月。 获聘任者须于2016年第一季上任。
Terms of Appointment: The successful candidate will be appointed on non-civil service contract terms for a period of 24 months and is expected to assume duty in the first quarter of 2016.
聘用条款: 获取录者将按非公务员合约条款聘任,为期24个月。 获聘任者须于2016年第一季上任。