Noni leaf has been used for the treatment of gingivitis, periodontal diseases, laryngalgia, laryngitis, sprain, skin disease, and so on.
And if you have a family history of osteoporosis or periodontal disease, dental checkups are a must.
Tobacco cessation and decreased alcohol consumption reduce risk for oral cancers, periodontal disease, and tooth loss.
But there are two much more serious problems, common dental diseases that can lead not only to loss of teeth but also to loss of life: periodontal disease and oral cancer.
When periodontal disease is treated by reducing inflammation and lowering the quantities of harmful bacteria in the mouth, it can have a major impact on inflammation in the rest of the body.
Type 2 diabetes patients have twice the risk of developing periodontal disease of people without diabetes.
To tease out that relationship, Crout says he will need to study patients over a long period of time, watching for both periodontal disease and memory loss.
Studies show that people with periodontal disease may have higher risks of heart attack and stroke, possibly because the infection increases inflammation throughout the body.
Establishing whether periodontal disease increases the risk and understanding the mechanisms behind these associations are important because we know so little about pancreatic cancer.
They said it is premature to suggest that good oral hygiene can have any effect at preventing cancer but said periodontal disease should nevertheless be treated.
Smokers get periodontal disease at two to three times the rate of nonsmokers, "says Sally Cram, DDS, a periodontist in Washington, D."C., and a consumer advisor for the American Dental Association.
Periodontal disease, measuring and charting of periodontal pockets, and tooth mobility are illustrated with animations and video.
Researchers used questionnaires to gauge the subjects' risk factors for periodontal disease.
Probing pocket depth and clinical attachment loss, two markers of periodontal disease, were also measured.
Halitosis: may be the stomach or liver problems, or is caused by periodontal disease.
Principles and methods of preventing periodontal disease?
Antibiotics might reduce the symptoms of chronic periodontal disease, but the benefits of antibiotics are temporary.
Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy of treating periodontal disease by Oral Metronidazole, tetracycline and vitamin c.
One of the questions physiologists want to explore is whether nanoparticles can cause diseases such as atherosclerosis, kidney stones, gall stones and periodontal disease.
An association with periodontal disease and heart disease has also been examined, with systemic inflammation being a potential mechanism behind the connection.
Inflammation is already thought to link periodontal disease with other conditions such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
The relationship between androgen deprivation therapy and periodontal disease has not been studied.
It also is needed to examine the surrounding tissues for signs of periodontal disease, impacted teeth, infections and cysts.
Shimazaki I's team assessed the severity of periodontal disease in 942 men and women, aged 40 to 79 years, and their intake of milk, cheese, and lactic acid foods.
Objective For patients with severe periodontal disease oral anaerobic bacteria ornidazole sensitivity.
Since periodontal disease results in absorption of alveolar bone, some have suggested that generalized bone mineral loss may exacerbate periodontal disease.
Saliva is readily available, contains proteins, bacteria and bacteria products, was proved to be an aid in the diagnosis of periodontal disease.
The prevalence of periodontal disease in the United States may be significantly higher than originally estimated.
Objective to explore symptoms and signs characteristics of senile periodontal disease.
Objective to explore symptoms and signs characteristics of senile periodontal disease.