Palmer notes that tooth decay in baby teeth can result in damage to the developing crowns of the permanent teeth developing below them.
Conclusion: Bone remodel around the permanent tooth germ resulted from primary tooth orthodontic movement.
AIM: to investigate the morphology of permanent human teeth of the Han Nationality and provide anatomic data for clinical treatment of tooth and pulp diseases.
Root canal filling pastes for primary tooth have to meet more needs than paste for permanent tooth, such as being absorbed with root simultaneously and doing no harm to permanent tooth germ.
Conclusion Controlled by weaker genetic factors, environmental factors has definite action in occurring course of permanent tooth caries.
Objective: To study the tooth size correlation between permanent cuspid and bicuspid group and other teeth groups in malocclusion.
This review will introduce odontclast and its related signal cascades and the cor-relation of permanent successor with physiological root resorption of primary tooth.
The permanent tooth germ plays an important role in physiological root resorption of deciduous tooth, but not the alone factor.
RESULTS:SHIP positive signals were observed in the osteoclasts, odentoclasts and enamel of permanent tooth germ.
Root resorption of deciduous tooth without permanent tooth germ was significantly delayed than the deciduous tooth with permanent tooth germ.
While in the design of this permanent magnet starter with CAD, the voltage drop of brushes can be described with a value of resistance, the selection of tooth length must be...
While in the design of this permanent magnet starter with CAD, the voltage drop of brushes can be described with a value of resistance, the selection of tooth length must be...