The officer will make sure you are entering Canada before or on the expiry date shown on your permanent resident visa.
If you are a US citizen or hold a permanent resident visa, include this if readers might have reason to think otherwise.
They are returning because of frustrations with U. S. visa policies that make it extremely difficult for skilled workers from high-population countries to obtain permanent-resident visas;
If you are not eligible to adjust your status inside the United States to a permanent resident, the immigrant petition will be sent to the U.S. consulate abroad to complete the visa process.
If you are not eligible to adjust your status inside the United States to a permanent resident, the immigrant petition will be sent to the U. s. consulate abroad to complete the visa process.
If you are not eligible to adjust your status inside the United States to a permanent resident, the immigrant petition will be sent to the U. s. consulate abroad to complete the visa process.