The Permanent Secretary is Chris Wormald.
According to the permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy, Peter Englund, Müller's "moral momentum" means she fits the criteria for the award "perfectly".
"He is a poet but has never really been a full-time writer, " explained Peter Englund, the permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy, which decides the award.
At the first meeting of the Nobel Committee after the February 1 deadline for nominations, the Committee's Permanent Secretary presents the list of the year's candidates.
"Right now we are doing nothing," said Sara Danius, permanent secretary of the academy. "I have called and sent emails to his closest collaborator and received very friendly replies."
Peter Englund, permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy, noted that Modiano's works are "always variations of the same thing, about memory, about loss, about identity, about seeking. ""
Yoshito Sengoku, the chief cabinet secretary, will serve as justice minister until a permanent appointment is made.
There is a permanent body in Geneva called the Secretariat, which is headed by the Secretary General.
Now the Home Secretary is to announce a temporary limit of 24,100 non-EU workers, a reduction of around 5% to stop a rush of applications before a permanent cap next April.
Now the Home Secretary is to announce a temporary limit of 24,100 non-EU workers, a reduction of around 5% to stop a rush of applications before a permanent cap next April.