The Persistent classes aim to make data persistence easy.
The CPAN Persistent classes are powerful allies in your search for data persistence solutions.
Before we can use ofy, however, we need to register persistent classes in a static initializer like Photo in Listing 2.
In the Persistent classes, the datastore is an abstract storage device, which can be a file or a database, for example.
The Persistent classes will automatically create the necessary functions ($equation->answer(), for example) to access the data members.
Any other program that knows the attributes of our objects can use the same datastore (more on this under "Inheriting from Persistent classes").
Remember that good design and a clear definition of the attributes are just as important as the Persistent classes in achieving successful data persistence.
It also introduces the BaseEntity and AuditableEntity base classes, from which concrete persistent classes can be extended, depending on whether or not auditing information is required for an object.
Persistence classes encapsulate access to your persistent stores, including relational databases, flat files, and object bases.
Whether these abstractions will be represented as Geronimo classes and objects or as database tables depends primarily on how you're going to use them and how persistent they will be.
The model is made up of five classes, four of which are persistent. The non-persistent OrderSystem class serves as the root of the object model.
The simplest enhancer task does both: it optimizes Native Queries and it adds the Activatable interface to your classes, making sure a persistent object is activated whenever any field is read.
Business logic and any non-persistent data can be implemented completely in partial classes and methods of entities and the data context, or it can be implemented in separate classes.
Business logic and any non-persistent data can be implemented completely in partial classes and methods of entities and the data context, or it can be implemented in separate classes.